BPUT Results 2024-25 for Odd Semester Exam, Released @results.bput.ac.in

The Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela held the BPUT Odd Semester Exam 2024-25 in offline mode whose results are released on the official website as a marksheet at https://bput.ac.in/. After the release of the result on the official website, a direct link to download and check it is also made available for the convenience of the students.

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If you are among those students who have participated in the Odd Semester for any undergraduate or postgraduate course, you should know that the result as a marksheet is released only on the official website. All the exam taker may check the outcome by providing his or her Registration Number and Date Of Birth, so make sure to be ready with it.

Only those students are declared successful in the BPUT Odd Semester Exam 2024-25, whose score is meeting or exceeding the minimum requirement in each paper. As the result is made available on the official website of the Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, all the students can access their marksheet to check the subject-wise score and qualifying status.

How to check the BPUT Odd Semester Result 2025?

The step-by-step instructions to download and check the result for the BPUT Odd Semester Exam 2025 is available below. As the result is released, you may check it by going through the listed points.

  • Go to the official website of Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, at https://bput.ac.in/.
  • Lookout for an option that reads ‘Examination Result,’ tap on it and get redirected to the next webpage.
  • Now, you have to opt for the Session as Odd Semester (2024-25), enter your Registration Number and Date Of Birth, and hit the View button.
Result Status  Released
Result Link  https://results.bput.ac.in/

Details Available 

The results for the BPUT Odd Semester Exam 2025 is released as a marksheet, by getting the digital copy of this document aspirants can check and verify the details available below. 

  • Student’s Name
  • Registration Number
  • Roll Number
  • Course Name
  • Semester
  • Subject Codes and Names
  • Internal Marks
  • Theory Marks
  • Practical Marks
  • Total Marks
  • Grade
  • Grade Point
  • Result Status (Pass/Fail)
  • SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average)
  • CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)

Passing Criteria 

Students who have participated in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate course exam held by the Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela should know that to be declared successful, an individual is required to get a 35% score in theory exam, which also includes the internal. Additionally, the individual is required to get 50% in each practical paper, if applicable.


The marksheet which is released on the official website of the Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela is the provisional one. Students who have participated in the Odd Semester exam for various UG and PG courses should know that the distribution of marksheet will take place in the last week of February 2025 or even earlier.

Students who have participated in the Odd Semester exam for undergraduate and postgraduate courses should know that the online result and physical copy of the marksheet carries the same details, but it is mandatory to collect the original one from the admitted college as it is required for further academic purposes.

Revaluation Form

Candidates who have participated in the UG and PG examination, and are not satisfied with the marks obtained in any subject can apply for revaluation of the answer sheet. To apply for rechecking of copies an individual is required to deposit the required amount by the deadline set by the concerned authorities.

Usually within four weeks after the submission of the revolution form for UG and PG exam through the official website of the Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, students will be able to check the revaluation results. 

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