KPSC PDO Result 2025 for HK and RPC, Available Soon

The written exam for recruitment to the post of Panchayat Development Officer under the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department was conducted by the KPSC on 16th & 17th November 2024 for KK (Hyderabad-Karnataka) Region and 7th & 8th December 2024 for RPC (Residual Parent Cadre) at various exam centres.

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The written exam was conducted in offline mode, the evaluation process of which is likely to be completed by February 25 and then the result will be announced on the official website at After the release of the result, all the candidates will be able to check their qualified status by downloading the merit list.

There are a total number 247 vacancies for the position of PDO under the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, out of which 97 are for KK (Hyderabad-Karnataka) Region, and 150 are for RPC (Residual Parent Cadre). The merit list for each will be released separately on the same date, and then the direct link to download it all will also be made available below.

Country India
State  Karnataka 
Organization Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC)
Post Name Panchayat Development Officer (PDO)
Department Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department
Number of Vacancies 247 (97 for KK Region, 150 for RPC)
Exam Date 16th & 17th November 2024 (KK Region), 7th & 8th December 2024 (RPC)
Result Date Likely to be announced by the last week of February 2025
Official Website

Individuals who have participated in the written exam against 247 vacancies are in thousands, each exam taker should know that only those are going to be shortlisted on the merit list whose score will meet or exceed the minimum requirement. Candidates who will pass the written exam will be called for the Document Verification and further stages.

How to check the KPSC PDO Result?

In order to download or check the result for the KPSC PDO (HK & PRC) Written Exam 2024-25, you have to go through the step-by-step instructions below.

  • Go to the official website of the Karnataka Public Service Commission at
  • Find an option related to the ‘Recruitment of PDO (HK & RPC) under the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department’, tap on it and get redirected to the next page.
  • Now, you will see an option related to the ‘List of Candidates Eligible for the Document Verification,’ tap on it and download the merit list.
  • Open the result gazette, search your Roll Number and check that you have passed the exam or not.

Cut Off Marks 

It is mandatory to obtain the cut off marks or more than the required marks in order to clear the written exam conducted for the recruitment of PDO (HK & RPC) under the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department. The cut off marks for the exam conducted by the Karnataka Public Service Commission will be released along with the result.

The cut off marks to pass the written exam held for the KK (Hyderabad-Karnataka) Region and RPC (Residual Parent Cadre) will be different from one another for each category. Individuals who have participated in the exam should know that to pass the Kannada Language Test, a candidate is required to get 50 marks out of 150. 

In the written exam, there were a total number 100 MCQs of each 1 mark in Paper 1 and Paper 2 i.e. the total weightage of the exam was 200 marks. Individuals who took part in the examination should the cut off marks for Unreserved is likely to be between 142 and 148 as aggregate.

What Next?

The selection process for recruitment of Panchayat Development Officer (KK (Hyderabad-Karnataka) Region and (RPC (Residual Parent Cadre)) under the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department consists of multiple stages, which are Written Exam and Document Verification

The first stage is successfully held in November and December 2024, individuals who will pass it will be called for the second one. There is a high speculation that the Document Verification and further stages of selection will be administered within four to six weeks after the release of the result on the official website of the KPSC.

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