SPPU Result 2024-25 Released, Marksheet Available @unipune.ac.in

The Savitribai Phule Pune University conducted the Winter 2024-25 Exam in October and November 2024 and the result was released as of January 21, 2025. Students who have participated in the exam for undergraduate and postgraduate courses can check the result by visiting the official website at https://unipune.ac.in/.

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Students who have participated in the SPPU exam for Winter 2024-25 should know that the result is released as a marksheet. Students who took part in the exam for any UG or PG course may check the result by visiting the respective exam. As the result for the 2nd Half of 2024 is released, a direct link to access it is also made available below.

If you are pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate courses from any affiliated college of Savitribai Phule Pune University and took part in the Second Half of 2024 Exam, you should know that only those students are declared successful in the exam whose score in each paper is meeting or exceeding the requirement.

How to check the SPPU Result?

The complete step-by-step instructions to download or check the SPPU Winter 2024-25 Exam is available below. After its release, you will be able to check it by going through the listed points.

  • Go to the official website of the Savitribai Phule Pune University at www.unipune.ac.in/.
  • Lookout for an option that reads ‘Examination Result,’ hit on it and get redirected to the next webpage.
  • Now, you see an option that reads ‘Undergraduate/ Postgraduate October 2024 Exam,’ tap on it and get redirected to the login page.
  • At the end, you have to enter your Seat Number and Mother’s Name and hit the Check Result button.
SPPU Winter 2024-25 (2nd Half of 2024) (October 2024) Examination Result 
Status Released as of January 21, 2025, for various UG and PG courses.
Link  Download or check the result for SPPU Exam


Students who have participated in the UG and PG exam for Winter 2024-25, which is held in October and November 2024 should know that the result that is released on the official website at Savitribai Phule Pune University is a provisional marksheet. Students should know that the physical copy of the result is going to be received from the admitted college.

The SPPU usually sends the physical copy of the marksheet within four weeks after the release of the online result . Candidates who have participated in the exam held for the October 2024 session can anticipate to get the physical copy of the marksheet by the admitted college most probably within four weeks after the release of the online result.

Passing Criteria 

Candidates who have participated in Winter 2024-25 exam held by the Savitribai Phule Pune University should know that to pass the examination, a student is required to get 40% score in the combined in-semester and semester-end assessments, additionally, the candidate is required to get least 30% score in both assessments separately.

Students who have failed in one or two subjects of undergraduate or postgraduate courses will have to appear in the supply exam of that subject, and those who have failed in the exam in more than two subjects will have to reappear in the regular exam for the same semester.


Students who have participated in the SPPU Winter 2024-25 exam, which was held in October and November 2024 should know that the application form for revaluation of the answer sheet is available on the official website of the Savitribai Phule Pune University. Students who are unsatisfied with the marks obtained in paper may apply for it.

After the revaluation application form submission for the SPPU Winter 2024-25 Exam answer sheets, a candidate will have to wait for the revised result. Students should know that the outcome after the rechecking of the answer sheet will be released on the official website, just like the results for the regular and supply exam are made available.

2 thoughts on “SPPU Result 2024-25 Released, Marksheet Available @unipune.ac.in”

  1. Result for second year bachelor of commerce is not declared yet. So , my question is when it’s going to declare?


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